Stella Luca Stylists Attend the 1st US Academy Ramirez-Tran “Lived-In Color” Class

Lived-in Color Orlando Ramirez-Tran

With an A-List celebrity clientele that reads like a Hollywood phone book, Johnny Ramirez and Anh Co Tran are the most sought-after colorists in the industry. When clients come to our salon with hair inspiration in hand, the work they show was often done by Ramirez-Tran. From Anne Hathaway, Julianne Moore, and Emily Ratajkowski to Jessica Alba, Faith Hill, Miranda Kerr, and Gwyneth Paltrow; the Ramirez-Tran duo invented the subtle, versatile, and beachy sun-kissed hair color technique called “Lived-in Color”.

For the first time ever in the US, Academy Ramirez Tran taught their technique to and Stella Luca stylists were there. On July 17, Megan Glisson, Kristin Lytell, & Joy Ulman learned the A.R.T. of “Lived-in Color” and “Lived-in Hair”.

You don’t have to be on a months-long waiting list and travel to LA for that Lived-in sun-kissed color. It’s right here at Stella Luca.


August 22, 2016: stylist Megan Glisson taught this technique to several other Stella Luca stylists.

February 27, 2017: stylist Kim Jette becomes our 6th Lived-In Color certified stylist at the Ramirez Tran academy in New York!

Our Latest Lived-In Color on Instagram

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